While we were being told that tickets are available for the TN-AL game, comes word that tickets are also available for the TN-SC game. Seems these are tickets that were returned to South Carolina. So I thought I would look to see if any tickets were still available for the TN-AL game. Lo and behold what do I see?
Now this is sad, the infamous TN-AL is not a sell out. What’s even worse, look at the price for these “Obstructed View” seats – $70 each. First, it was the student tickets at $70 a piece, now it’s $70 for a crappy view? And I don’t mean some pillar in my way either.
Hello? Is anybody listening? Don’t give me the “It’s the economy, stupid” speech. If the powers that be are so worried about the economy, why charge premium prices on these seats?
I wonder what happened to the “Ask Mike Hamilton” link on the UTSports.com web site? The only thing that ever happened when I sent an email to Mike is I now get spammed from the University.