As the natives get restless and clamor for Fulmer’s head, I’ve got my own gut feeling – we are dealing with gutless wonders. I agree with one commenter response to Mike Strange’s article Is the battle lost? Fulmer ‘working to get it fixed’ – “I am still not convinced that Hamilton has the intestinal fortitude to pull the trigger on Fulmer’s exit.” That’s my gut feeling, I don’t think it will happen.
My husband was one of those who had that “gut feeling” that Tennessee was going to win last night. But he is also one of those who is adamant that Fulmer must go. He was extremely angry about the officiating of the game. I even heard some conspiracy theory that the SEC was not going to let Tennessee beat Alabama. Some of the calls against the Vols might lead some to think that.
I think it had more to do with the gutless play calling. Everything was safe, too safe, no fire. Drew Edwards nailed it “Another big game brought more wasted opportunities for Tennessee’s offense.” in his article Miscues, missed chances condemning Tennessee. Opportunity knocked, even pounded on the door but Fulmer wouldn’t let it in.
How much more do you need, Mike Hamilton? How much more? Losing out the rest of the season? How much longer will you allow such a fine tradition to be battered into the ground? My gut hurts so bad I want to puke.