I would love to be able to cover football, but could I do it intelligently? Doubtful, I don’t know enough about the X’s and O’s to make me begin to sound credible. Even I find my self being a little annoyed by some of the female sideline reporters – some of their questions just really are not pertinent. Then there is the “she’s never played football” attitude. Injury updates are okay, kind of like a report from the nurse’s office.
My ramblings are just that, ramblings. They are a mixture of what I “feel” is going on with a heavy dose of what I hear other people saying. This year has been interesting because everything has been so predicable that even I can tell you what the next play will be.
Now, I would love to have a sideline press pass to attempt to get some good up close and personal type pictures. That, and running through the T, are life long dreams. In the mean time, my hats off to Beth Rucker and Erin Chapin as they continue Invading the Inner Sanctum. Maybe some day they might let me tag along with my camera.
On a side note, I wonder if I can find an RSS feed for Erin’s Vols coverage?